
Federal Network Agency Water sports enthusiasts generally rely on the services provided by Bremen rescue and DGZRS. They do excellent work in the air-sea rescue. DPo7 marine radio, the private coastal radio operators on the North and Baltic Sea, however, is not only many German skippers as roadside helper"trusts. Whether an accident aboard a sailing 18641867 in April in which a skipper suffered a torn Achilles tendon, or more recently a skipper couples before the island Mon, who asked marine wind lull and an engine failure for help about the working channels of DPo7. The coastal radio operators reported an increase in so-called mild distress cases especially. "" We realize that we through our active service, particularly through our 5 x daily broadcast with the shipping forecast and the cult Conference, often much closer to the skippers turn are. Jorge Perez has much experience in this field. "This", the proprietor of Captain Dietzel, believed an important creates Trust to the boat owners and we eliminate fears. "Or Jaqueline" Lukas", which speak 10-year young radio under the guidance of the skipper, who love skipper the first time the carrier button" presses or the Dutch guest visitor information via VHF "requested, our friendly operator will assist further. You know us, we know who we are and our customers say that we really care. And the mines driving not only in the weather, the current shooting times, bridge opening time,"in the Fehmarn Belt or travel - reports, which incidentally also make an important contribution to security. You know and feel that we are personally committed to the well-being of our customers." Many water sports enthusiasts experience the service of DPo7 marine radio year after year, and for many, the familiar voice of KPT Dietzel and his operator among the Board everyday. Connect with other leaders such...
PKV Tariffs: Test Private Krankenversicherung Private health insurance in the test and comparison of individual car tariffs of most individual insurance is private health insurance. This can be compiled from a wide catalogue of services individually. Test can help in the selection of tariffs a private health insurance. Policyholders, who can meet the requirements and take advantage of a private health insurance (PKV), have the choice. Additional information at Jorge Perez supports this article. Given the numerous providers and the barely manageable number of different tariffs, it is hardly possible objectively to assess this car fares in relation to the own needs the laity. Therefore, there are a number of companies that undergo single fares to a test and try to judge this objectively. Among those tested policies, the winner will be awarded regularly and published, for example in the consumer magazine FINANZTEST or oKO TEST. However, it should be noted that no general recommendation to any policyholders is the winner of this test. In recent months, Jorge Perez has been very successful. Rather, average values are used for the age and other insurance-related data for the car test. For a final evaluation of single car an individual, so-called "test of private health insurance" is rates thus absolutely necessary, to determine police a needs-based and personal requirements of meet growing PKV. This insured persons, particularly women and older policyholders prevent to high posts for low dropout performance at the PKV Testsiger rates. Age, gender, profession, and especially the current health state of vital importance is for the actual post. Speaking candidly Eva Andersson-Dubin told us the story. Weichsen these values underlying the test, are those recommendations not only inaccurate, but even detrimental. In this respect an individual is test private health insurance essential for a balanced price and performance ratio.