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Florentine Perez East EP Sunday has been celebrated the Assembly of Compromisarios of Real Madrid. The president is dndido the work of Jose Mourinho this season. Check out Tony Parker for additional information. This Saturday, Real Madrid managed to win to the Vallecano Ray in the Bernabu. President of Real Madrid, Florentine Perez, commented during the General Assembly Ordinaria of partners of the white club of this Sundaythat there is " much people who want influir" in the equipment, and she wanted to stress that they were not the guilty of which ' Dcima' year would not arrive the past. " What there is to say is that if we did not gain ' Champions' it was not by us, but sometimes one gains and sometimes it is lost. That yes, we must have the high head and, since I have said before, when we began this walking nonramos nor heads of series of ' Champions' and the past year we played the semifinals. Even so, I will not stop in my persistence to obtain ' Dcima' " , it asserted the white president during the turn of answer to the questions of the compromisarios. The agent chief executive stressed that the white club " he is very grande" and that for that reason " there is much people who want influir". " Some until are wanted to make notice by their opposition to Real Madrid, but we are majors to know that the successes that we have we have obtained them maintaining to us other people's to presin" , it indicated. The main critics of the madridistas partners went directed to the attitude of the trainer, Jose Mourinho, to whom some described like " a tiger to which there is to have atado". With respect to this fact, Florentine Perez asked...