As determinative factor for the care of the Archive, a team of the Direction of the Archive how much to the manuscript of the manuscripts exists, in this the politics are delineated of as to have access the manuscripts that pass for the process of conservation, preservation and restoration, therefore in this way will only be preserved the quantity, the memory of Porto Alegre. ' ' The organization of archive is equivalent, therefore to the systematic development of the tasks that leave of the identification of caracteres' ' (Appeared Dase Oliveira, p 129 archive and document). The actions techniques that I observed and practical used for the oficineiras I can evidence, a great concern with the internal dependences, as; to keep a good air circulation in the areas of storages, to place the manuscripts in vertical position on the shelves, they are some tasks that the employees make, in view of that this to occur a.H.P.A withholds of a team. So that the environment is propitiates to the armazenao, the archive keeps an organization of hygienic cleaning of documents, carries through the detetizao in the environment that shelters the quantity, preventing the plagues, as you trace and others, to assure that temperature does not exceed the 22 degrees is basic for the documentary storage. The analysis of the laboratory of I restore, I propitiate the following comments: then installed laboratory of I restore, located in the Bilge of the Archive, has conditions for the adjusted storage, therefore to the guard and the cares they are guided by the employees of the archive, if the inadequate manuscript did not have one serious politics of conservation, would provide, inevitably some damages, therefore the neglected manuscript, quickly leads the serious problems and irreparable I restore for it, is used Japanese paper, glue of metil, neutral glue, laudering and hygienic cleaning, however it is for such aggravation are controlled that all arquivistico document and all the rare workmanships always are evaluation objects.